Radio Bam (or Bam Radio) was a Sirius Radio Station that aired on Mondays at 7pm, straight after The Jason Ellis Show. The show's supporting cast was originally made up of Margera's fellow CKY crew members Brandon Dicamillo and Brandon Novak, who appeared on most episodes of the show's early years, with frequent guest appearances from Ryan Dunn, Rake Yohn and Chris Raab as well as Bam's parents April Margera and Phil Margera, uncle Don Vito and occasional appearances from the Jackass crew. Radio Bam's first episode aired on 11/04/2005. The last episode aired 02/18/2013. There are over 300 Episodes. Episodes 297 & 298 haven't been recorded. If you have them please contact me. If you'd like access to the entire archive donations are preferred. Contact me for more info.
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Filetype: MP3 - Size: 138.21MB - Duration: 1:00:23 m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
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