Radio Bam (or Bam Radio) was a Sirius Radio Station that aired on Mondays at 7pm, straight after The Jason Ellis Show. The show's supporting cast was originally made up of Margera's fellow CKY crew members Brandon Dicamillo and Brandon Novak, who appeared on most episodes of the show's early years, with frequent guest appearances from Ryan Dunn, Rake Yohn and Chris Raab as well as Bam's parents April Margera and Phil Margera, uncle Don Vito and occasional appearances from the Jackass crew. Radio Bam's first episode aired on 11/04/2005. The last episode aired 02/18/2013. There are over 300 Episodes. Episodes 297 & 298 haven't been recorded. If you have them please contact me. If you'd like access to the entire archive donations are preferred. Contact me for more info.
Bam Margera – Brandon Novak – Joe Frantz – Brandon DiCamillo –Jenn Rivell – Seth Miesterman
Honey Tongue – Hardcore Superstar
Hopeless Case of a Kid in Denial – The Hellacopters
I Fucked Your Wife – Shat
What the Fuck Do You Think Christina Aguilera is Doing Right Now? – Shat
Power of Moonlight – Tiger Army
-It’s Valentine’s Day!
-Joe’s breaking up with the Jersey Smoker finally!
-The guys talk about how to break up with women and why it sucks
-The guys talk about why Valentine’s Day sucks
-Bam and Dico reenact the making of Valentine’s Day
-Bam brings Jenn on the show to ask her why girls like Valentine’s Day
-Seth joins the show
-The guys decide to make a holiday for guys where the girls need to do nice things for them
-Bam talks about what happened on Groundhog’s Day
-Joe explains why he hates cops so much, and of Novak stealing pills from a police station
-Bam asks Novak to tell a story of when he told Police the truth for once
-Joe talks about how Novak talks in front of April and Bam’s new kittens
-Bam talks about what happened behind the scenes while filming Viva la Bam in Pauxatawny and how the big shot producers suck
-Dico & Joe reenact Joe breaking up with his girlfriend
-The guys talk about their upcoming trip to Cabo and how corrupt Mexico is
-Dico decides he will babysit Novak for Bam while he’s gone and Joe makes fun of Novak and the way he covers stuff up
-Joe tells his favorite Novak story and about his ex-co-worker that tried to get gay with him
-Dico & Joe talk about when Buddy Bill punched Rake in the face in the car
-The guys sign off the show with a song
Filetype: MP3 - Size: 141.4MB - Duration: 1:01:47 m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
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