Radio Bam (or Bam Radio) was a Sirius Radio Station that aired on Mondays at 7pm, straight after The Jason Ellis Show. The show's supporting cast was originally made up of Margera's fellow CKY crew members Brandon Dicamillo and Brandon Novak, who appeared on most episodes of the show's early years, with frequent guest appearances from Ryan Dunn, Rake Yohn and Chris Raab as well as Bam's parents April Margera and Phil Margera, uncle Don Vito and occasional appearances from the Jackass crew. Radio Bam's first episode aired on 11/04/2005. The last episode aired 02/18/2013. There are over 300 Episodes. Episodes 297 & 298 haven't been recorded. If you have them please contact me. If you'd like access to the entire archive donations are preferred. Contact me for more info.
Bam Margera - Brandon DiCamillo - Brandon Novak - Chris Raab - Rake Yohn
Strung Out - Andi McCoy
Good Morning Headache - Smack
In My Heaven - Negative
Don’t Feed the Evil - Bend Over
Bitter Sweet - Apocalyptic
-Live from New York!
-Bam just got back from the Carson Daly show and Finland
-Dico, Rake, and Novak talk about their New Years
-Bam explains why it was a must to hire a babysitter for Novak
-They take a call from Lorraine from Pittsburg and she asks Bam the craziest thing he did as a kid and Phil did as a kid
-Bam talks about Andi McCoy on New Years as a gypsy
-Novak explains what Gee did after last weeks show at Kildare’s
-They take a call from Buddy Bill
-They take a call from a girl named Monica next and she asks about Finland
-Raab explains how his New Years went with Jess & Matt Cole
-They take a call from “Satan” next
-Bam tries to give out Rake’s number again
-Novak just recently found out all the STD’s he has lately
-Bam questions Novak’s babysitter
-Novak’s babysitter explains the New Years they had
-They take a call from Andrew who asks if they can come skate in Hollister, CA and Robert who asks about Rake’s mustard problem
-Rake explains why he hates mustard and which kinds he likes more
-They take a call from Shawn who wants to know if Rake dates
-Bam tells a story about Rake in Iceland making out with a girl
-Novak will fuck anyone
-The guys bet on how much money Novak has on him
-The guys sign off the show saying their going to drink with Carson Daly and Novak will run Nude down Times Square
Filetype: MP3 - Size: 147.94MB - Duration: 1:04:38 m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)
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